What I wore for a week with my capsule wardrobe

Hi All!

As you can see from my previous blog post, or if you have just stumbled upon this post (hi!), I have taken on the Project 333 challenge where I reduced my wardrobe to 33 items and use ONLY these items for the next 3 months. In the bid to be more aware and insightful of everything I do and bring in to my life, I knew some changes need to be made and I started with a project inspired by the online community. Almost 12 days later and here is where I am…

Note: I swapped the white vest for a black turtleneck


These are the 5 outfits I have managed to put together using my now teeny wardrobe. The rest of the days, I was just wearing my work uniform.


Outfit 1


Outfit 2

Outfit 3


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Outfit 4


Outfit 5




To be completely honest, I was a little skeptical about doing this at first. I mean, why would I want to limit myself to 33 items when I have so many other things? I thought it would be impossible to get through a week without looking like just wear the same outfit day in, day out. However, I did find that I was putting a lot more thought about what I wear as I have limited options. It’s weird but I seem to be able to dress myself better (completely my opinion by the way) with 33 items than with a wardrobe bursting with clothes. I also enjoyed putting these pieces together and found pleasure in knowing I have a lot of room in my wardrobe yet there are so much I could do with the pieces I have left.


In the past 10 days, I did not feel the need to reach out for my other clothes or buy new things which is unusual for me as I am guilty of complaining  ” I have nothing to wear”  on a daily basis whilst looking in my congested closet! Should we class that as progress ?Thanks for reading.







Living an intentional life x Project 333

Hi all!

For the past few months, I have come across numerous blog posts, videos and podcasts featuring what seems to be, this really popular trend that is attracting much attention- minimalism. From what I have seen, there is no set rules or ways to do this but what I really like about it is the message that encapsulates the minimalist lifestyle, to live a life which is intentional. To remove all things in our life that doesn’t serve a purpose or that does not give us pleasure. To be mindful of our future purchases and to be aware of what we surround ourselves, both items and people. For some time now I have noticed I have fallen into this routine, or the lack of one,  that doesn’t really benefit my life tremendously.  My spare time mostly spent on social media, my bedroom cluttered and my work-social balance is completely unhealthy. Which is why I decided to give this concept a go. I know change don’t happen overnight so I want to address one thing at a time.


So then I decided to give Project 333 a go. Project 333 is a challenge which requires one to only use/wear 33 items throughout a 3 month period. For obvious hygienic reasons, you do not count your work out clothes and underwear in the 33 items.  I found it extremely difficult to pick out only 33 items from my wardrobe. To give you an idea, here’s what my wardrobe looked like before:



I found that my wardrobe consisted of item that do not compliment each other and I also accumulated a surplus of ‘trendy’ pieces which do not get a lot of wear from. Most of the items I have only worn a few times!  I live in the UK so  and we are currently in the winter season. I chose to distribute my 33 item allowance as follows:

4 Outerwear



11 Tops




6 Bottoms (3 jeans, 1 leggings, 1 skirt and 1 shorts)


5 Footwear



6 Accessories (2 scarves, 2 bags, 1 hat, 1 watch and 1 choker)




Initial thoughts: I do think this would be a challenge for me as to begin with, the clothes I already own are not versatile and the bottom point is, my closet is filled with things I do not like.  This has already given me inspiration to be mindful of items I purchase in the future; so far, so good. I thought I would hate seeing my wardrobe so bare but surprisingly,  I enjoy seeing it organised.





I am aiming to update this blog on a weekly basis to share my progress. Feel free to join me!

PS: To anyone who has  done Project 333 or still doing it, any tips and advice will be much appreciated.  Wish me luck!










How to: let nothing upset you.

You are probably thinking, this is another “clickbait”, a misleading title for all we know. Hey, I should tell you right now. It kind of is…. and it also isn’t.

I have been intending to start a blog for so long but I never know where or how to start. The crux of the matter is, I have a lot going on in my mind; a lot of ideas, inspirations and weird(sometimes inappropriate) thoughts that I would like to share but I don’t always know how to put it in words that are quite fitting. Until this afternoon.

The title is  a clickbait because, hey who doesn’t want an eye-catching title for their first blogpost (Hi-five to finally starting one!). Joking aside, it could be considered a clickbait because I am writing here not knowing what I am really going to write about. What follows are abrupt regurgitations of flights of ideas that roam my brain.  So keyboard warriors, forgive the typos and what have not.

People describe me as a calm, happy-going individual. I guess not many really know about the real “Me”. Sensitive, emotional and I do get quite upset easily. Someone who is not good with jokes because I will probably take them too seriously; but yet I will never show a fragment of that emotion. So I ask myself, by doing what I do? I hypothetically let nothing upset me but also let myself into a big war of internal facade of being content and being happy when really my expectations do not match my reality. Now, don’t get me wrong,I have a good and comfortable life. This is no means of voicing out ungratefulness, it is but a blurry attempt to delve into my own consciousness. How to: not let anything upset me.

Today while I was whipping up a culinary masterpiece (yep, you heard me) in the kitchen for my sister and I’s dinner I heard a kid outside, possibly around  9-10 years of age chanting an abusive song(?) that targets a specific kind of minority. If it was aimed at us, I do not know but what I do know is that it really upset me. It made me scared and had me hiding behind the walls. Then I snapped out of it; what am I doing? Why am I so scared of a 10 yrs old kid that it had me hiding behind a wall? Why do I let this seemingly trivial thing upset me? Then the realisation kicked in, I wasn’t scared I was embarrassed. Embarrassed for reasons I am not exactly sure of but what was running through my head is that “I hope none of our other neighbours hear this.”. Eventually I realised, the constant exposure to passive hate and exclusion has led me to somehow dislike the person I am. I was ashamed of being me. But why exactly? I have no idea! I am fully aware that that kind of thinking was irrational and insane to think the least!  Or is it? A part of me believes in how great I am and the other part just seem to magnify my weaknesses. Somewhere I heard that when someone is taken out of his/her natural environment not by will or desire,  and then you place that person in a completely alienated environment, you force that person to “play the game”. When you have to deal with circumstances that are out of your norm on a daily basis, all of a sudden you learn how to put a face on and play the game. In my case, I completely agree.

The fundamental aspect of mastering the How to to not letting anyone upset you is to not care at all! But when half of your life has been built around mapping people, trying to find out ( the hard way usually) what is socially acceptable and what is not so that you can “play the game”, it is kinda hard not to get upset over the littlest things. This child has terrible behaviour, I think the whole neighbourhood would agree- enough altercations with him and his father take place out in the streets at least twice a week. But how come I cannot seem to see past that? This is a troubled kid and what  he says or how he acts is a by-product of that, it has nothing to do with me. My point is, being upset gets the best of us and sometimes no matter how you know and how much you want to go against your emotions, you really cannot escape.

It is OK to be upset, what’s important is that you acknowledge these emotions, let them pass- write a blog or something but never ever try and blame yourself for feeling upset. It will do you no good. But as the cliche line goes, it’s easier said than done.

I didn’t plan for this first blog post to be so nega and for lack of a better term, meh! but hey, thanks for reading 🙂